Gunpowder Golf

“Gunpowder Saves Golf ”

Once upon a time in old Scotland, golf became
so popular that the country’s leaders feared that the
men were playing golf instead of practicing archery.
Since the bow and arrow was the basic defense of
the land, the Scottish Parliament undertook
to enact laws against golf.
So, golf was doomed. As stories of old would
have it, it was about this time the particulars for
making gunpowder were brought from the Orient.
Thus a new means of defense was found
and thanks to Gunpowder, Golf was saved.
Prince George’s County’s oldest golf course is
named Gunpowder, and lives up to its reputation
for keeping golf alive. Located on Old Gunpowder
Road near Laurel. The course meanders through
the natural streams and valleys in true Scottish
design. Gunpower beckons golfers to meet the
challenge of the hills and the vales.
Long live Gunpowder and Golf.

Historic Note: Let us recall the importance of the route established long ago during the period of the Revolutionary War. Gunpowder was produced at the Adelphi Mill and then transported along Powder Mill Road to Gunpowder Road and continued on to Ft. McHenry. This is a key link to the history of this area.